(After) Carl BARKS ART "Tycoon Time" Orig FINE ART painting by the CBR Studio

(After) Carl BARKS ART

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(After) Carl BARKS ART "Tycoon Time" Orig FINE ART painting by the CBR Studio:

NOTICE:ALLoffers to buy will be carefully considered!!!

If you're a serious fan of Carl Barks' artwork style, this is a

chance to make an important addition to your collection!

“TycoonTime” --- Uncle Scrooge enjoys the solitudeof his Money Bin!

This16 x 20 inch canvas gem is the sister painting to “Sport ofTycoons”,

whichsold for $263,000 in 2011. This CBR Studio artwork is priced at

$37,500 (less than 15% of the 1974 Carl Barkspainting). Framed in a

goldwood open-air frame with white cloth liner. This is the absolute

BESTof ALLof the Scrooge McDuck Money Bins!!! Stupendous!

Art: Carl Barks

Composition: Jeff Cain

Painting: The CBR Studio

It's a brand newballgame! Extremely few Barks fans can afford to

buyan original Carl Barks painting, and in addition, very few ever show

upin the marketplace anymore. Many top-level Barks collectors are now

collectingnewfine art duck paintings which emulate the wonderful art

thatBarks developed, but they are priced at only a smallfraction of

thepaintings that Carl Barks did. And they feature scenes which have

neverbeen seen before! A unique treasurefor any Barks collection!

TheCBR Studio was founded in 2011 (CBR =Carl Barks Remembered)

toproduce original, one-of-a-kind paintings in the artistic style of

CarlBarks (1901 – 2000). They are NOT reproductions, nor prints, but

individualcompositions done in the same manner as Carl's paintings

from1971 to 1975. They have been collected by Barks fans around the

world.Many of them can be seen on Pinterest web pages and Google

Imagesbecause they are indistinguishable from actual Barks paintings!

About me: Igot my first Barks comic in early 1950 (4C #275 Ancient

Persia)---- so I've now been collecting Barks for 72 years! Over the years

I'veowned 20 of Carl's duck paintings (1971 – 1975), including 5 of his

first12 paintings from 1971. I contributed to the assembly of the Fine

Artof DDbook (1981). And now I enjoy the excitement of emulating the

wonderfulBarks style of artwork which are displayed in collections all

overthe world! Questions? Just ask me!

Free Bonus! Each buyer will also receive an 8 x 10 inch glossy photo

ofthe CBR Studio logo! (see scan). Autographed if you wish!

(After) Carl BARKS ART "Tycoon Time" Orig FINE ART painting by the CBR Studio:

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